What questions are your target audience typing into the search engines? Until now, I don’t think there was a keyword research tool that let you find that out. Now there is – check out Wordtracker’s Keyword Questions Tool
Here’s the result I got after typing in “mom job” (keep in mind that the search volume on Wordtracker is always a lot less than Google’s keyword tool):
What can you use these keyword research results for?
How about writing some articles for your site (long-tail traffic), or the article directories?
I think this is an awesome way to gain insight into your audience’s pain points – and they’re telling you in plain English!
I've been making money online since 2009 and have a passion for research. My focus is niche research: finding profitable niches, keyword research, and competition analysis, as well as creating outstanding content.
Niche Marketing: What It Is, and Why It’s the Secret to Your Success
Brainstorming a Niche Using Bing’s Keyword Tool
How to Find Keywords for Content Marketing from Your Google Analytics
7 Best Keyword Research Tutorials for Newbies (2014)